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Coinbase and Coinbase Pro
Written by Robin Singh
Updated over a week ago

🟑 Note: Coinbase is sunsetting Coinbase Pro, so a lot from the article below is no longer relevant, but remains relevant for your past transactions.

We recommend using the API sync option when adding your Coinbase and Coinbase Pro accounts. The CSV files that these services provide may be missing certain data.

Connecting with API:

  1. Go to the Wallets page on Koinly and click on Add Wallets

  2. Select Coinbase.

  3. This will take you to Coinbase's website where you can approve Koinlys access to your transactions. Note that Koinly only asks for read-access to the transactions in your account.

  4. Once your Coinbase wallet has been added, go back to the Add Wallets page and select Coinbase Pro

  5. Create a new API key on Coinbase Pro and enter the api key/secret and passphrase into Koinly.

🟑 Note: Your Coinbase wallet does not give Koinly access to your transactions on Coinbase Pro (GDAX) and vice versa so you must always add both.

Importing data with CSV files:

We do NOT recommend using the CSV files as they don't contain your entire transaction history. However, if you are unable to connect with API then you can try this method instead.

  1. Download the tax report csv file from Coinbase

  2. Download the fills.csv file from Coinbase Pro

  3. Go to the Add Wallets page and search for "Coinbase CSV"

  4. Select the option to create a custom wallet

  5. Upload your tax and fills.csv files one by one into this wallet

How can I add multiple accounts?

You can add as many Coinbase accounts as you like, just follow the instructions above for each account.

Why do I have to add Coinbase Pro?

Your Coinbase and Coinbase Pro accounts are linked together internally but Koinly does not automatically get access to your Coinbase Pro transactions when you add a Coinbase wallet so it's important to add it separately.

Why am I seeing transactions from Coinbase Pro to Coinbase even though I never sent them?

Whenever you transfer crypto from Coinbase Pro, it is internally sent to your Coinbase account first before being sent out to the destination address. These transactions are not taxable events so they won't affect your taxes.

🟑 Note: Starting in November 2022, Coinbase Pro withdrawals were no longer going through Coinbase

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