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The cost basis shown on my transaction is wrong
The cost basis shown on my transaction is wrong
Written by Robin Singh
Updated over a week ago

Before proceeding with analyzing particular cost bases, make sure that your data is correct/complete:

It's common that a cost basis might seem wrong even though it actually isn't.

Scenario: You deposited 1 BTC worth 1000 USD into a wallet and withdrew it later but the cost-basis on the withdrawal transaction doesn't match the cost of the 1 BTC (1000 USD).

This is because Koinly is using a universal pool that consists of all your BTC to determine the cost. If you want to separate the cost-basis in each of your wallets you can enable "Wallet-based cost tracking" on the Settings page.

Refer to the article on cost-tracking method for more info.

Pro tip: You can look at the Cost Analysis for any disposal to see how the cost basis has been calculated. You can find the Cost Analysis by clicking on the transaction (only available for paid users)

Other common reasons why a cost basis might be different from the expected cost basis:

  • Cost basis calculation method (FIFO/LIFO/ACB)

  • Bed and Breakfasting rule (UK only)

  • Superficial loss rule (Canada only)

  • The 4 week rule (Ireland only)

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