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Transactions / Tags
What are transactions in Koinly
What are Tags (labels)
Trading fees & Transaction fees
How Koinly handles transfers between your own wallets
How Koinly sets the market price for your transactions
How to select a specific NFT
Tax-free gifts to a spouse, partner or a friend
Liquidity Providing (LPing) - Liquidity in/out
Staking and farming tokens
Spam tokens, worthless NFTs, rug pulls
Token rebases and symbol swaps (AMPL, DOR, BTT)
Reflection, Taxed and Rebase tokens
ICO transactions
LUNC (Terra Classic) and LUNA (Terra Mainnet)
Crypto casinos and gambling winnings
Futures and perpetuals (PNL transactions)
Crypto loans, repayments and collateral (CDP)
Chapter 11 Reimbursements (Celsius, Voyager, Mt. Gox)
MATIC (Polygon) and POL (Polygon Ecosystem Token)
Missing purchase history for XYZ
My capital gain is too high/wrong!
Transactions in stablecoins show gains (or losses)
Trades/withdrawals with very high gains
Transfers between my own wallets are showing gains (or losses)
Cost transaction is showing a profit (or loss)
The cost basis shown on my transaction is wrong
We have assumed a cost of zero for some assets
Market prices for XYZ are missing
My wallet balances on Koinly are not correct
XYZ balance does not match what you actually have on the wallet
My graph is incorrect
How to set the cost basis on a trade